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World Water Day Fundraising

World Water Day Fundraising

Our Primary school students truly made  a splash with their enthusiasm, dedication & creativity! With our Little Mermaid production on the horizon, they organized a water-themed dress-up day that not only showcased their artistic flair but also raised funds for costumes, props and materials. 

Sudu and Plenperm led the charge, spreading awareness by visiting classes and distributing envelopes. Meanwhile, our PYP students delved into the importance of World Water Day and explored global water issues with passion and curiosity.

The highlight was a sneak peek for PYP students of select cast members performing songs from the upcoming Little Mermaid Musical. Their performances were nothing short of magical, leaving us eagerly anticipating the final show! Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

Congratulations on the successful event, and thank you for your support in raising 11,490 THB for the production!