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Do you know what STEAM stands for?

Do you know what STEAM stands for?

Do you know what STEAM stands for?

STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. A STEAM week celebrates these topics in our education system.

Our Primary School IB learners were inspired to become curious problem-solvers during our STEAM Week. They were challenged with various activities such as building structures, participating in a presentation from NASA and more.

One of the highlights of the STEAM week was the collaboration of our young inquirers from all Early Years and Grade One classes to "Rescue a Mermaid." They were asked to think of a backstory about why a mermaid was trapped in the playground. Then, the EY3 class was challenged to build a bridge by researching, asking questions, and drawing some design ideas before constructing it. As a conclusion, students linked this experience with their units on community and the Principled Learner Profile.

In addition to exploring their interest in the STEAM areas, the week was a great way to showcase their collaboration, creative and problem solving skills.